One More Time

Hopefully this will be the last time i talk about this ankle injury because I’m ready to move on and start looking forward! For the first few weeks of wearing a compression sock and limping my way around the gym, I had many peeps ask me what I did wrong—and i had no real answer. That outside-the-ankle-pain and overall tightness just hit me hard one morning during the marathon taper. It never came through during training, it wasn’t something I was hiding from my coach or myself. I’ve spent long nights looking over my training log and trying to figure out what the heck i did… and I think I’m finally realizing it wasn’t one thing, it was several that and I should have known better. But hey, injuries are for learning if anything else right??

Here’s how it went down.

I increased mileage, speed, and didn’t increase recovery time. Specifically (or pacifically if you want to be punched) I should have taken extra time off immediately after the USA 1/2 in March.  I didn’t have a giant PR and I wasn’t  terribly sore after, but I should have taken off a solid 5-7 days. I think i took 3. A race is a race, and it is still physically and mentally demanding even though i felt fine.

The 18 miler. Remember the one i did on the dirt towpath? It was the exact path the marathon was going to be held on. Here’s where I’m an idiot. I don’t run on dirt.. ever. I run on asphalt bike paths. I don’t know why I thought my first time on dirt trails should be my most important, LONGEST run of my entire training plan. I should have done shorter trials first to get my legs accustomed to the terrain. I blame the crazy spring weather on not letting me get out on the dirt often enough and my own lack of common sense.


The New Balance Minimus shoes. I accidentally did 2 training runs in these, because i forgot my normal running shoes. Again–here i go running without common sense–Everyone knows you can’t drop from a 4mm shoe to frickin’ ZERO without easing into it right? Not this Einstein here. Not only did i run in these, i did track work in them. Speed work, in zero drop shoes the first time I ran in them.

This run (in the New Balance’s) was the first time i noticed ankle pain during push off (April 13th). I assumed it was just an “off” day, but little did i know that zero drop could have been the factor that strained my soleus in the first place.


Don’t get all up in arms–I’m not knocking zero drop shoes, it’s just common knowledge that you just don’t change to barefoot shoes in the middle of training. Again, bad decision making on my end. (for the record though, those are my FAVORITE shoes for lifting and walking in all day. I have never had any foot pain, arch pain or leg pain in those.)

The final thing looking back, and I’ve mentioned this a few times, is the warm up and recovery part of running. If I want to run more and run faster I need to warm up longer and recover better. End of story. I can’t skip this stuff anymore. Easy, long or hill work, i need to warm up my muscles and ankles. Afterward I need to consume a post-workout snack, ice my legs, compress and foam roll. It sounds like a lot of work, but if it means I can get back to racing, i’ll do it!

Weekly Workouts

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 3m easy, 20 min chest/biceps

Wednesday: 20 min back, pushups +major leg stretching

Thursday: 3.5m easy, 10 min abs

Friday: 30 min triceps/shoulders, 15 min quads

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 4.4m easy

Total Miles: 13.1 <—i did not do that on purpose, but i’m taking it as a good sign!

Do you guys go over training plans when injured? 


Pool Side Baby & PRO Compression Winner!

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 3m easy, 20 min chest/biceps

Wednesday: 20 min back, pushups +major leg stretching

Thursday: 3.5m easy, 10 min abs

Hey guess what? I did 3 miles on the treadmill this week and 3.5m outdoors. Each time it felt like I could go longer.  The ankle is surviving! Woo!

I have a new cross training goal and I need you guys to hold me to it. I want to do one yoga class a week. We literally have classes in the gym all week long (morning & evening), so there’s really no excuse for me not to try this out. I’m hoping the stretching and strengthening will help the extreme tightness in my legs in the long run. Because I miss long runs. Three miles, as awesome as they’ve been, i miss hitting 6-7-8-9-10 mile mark.

Would you believe that I forgot to pool run while I was at my brothers house over the weekend? Must have been too preoccupied with my Three Floyds beer and trying to get rid of the horrendous sports bra tan.


Here are my cute nephews just because…


The last part of Indiana/Chicago trip was a stop to visit Kyle and his wife Elise. She’s a blogger too, and we’ve grown closer because of it. And the running. Runners always stick together…


And if we’re not sticking together, we make things that stick together…



She’s had her fair share of ankle problems, so it was nice having a runner to talk to about my issues. We’re both doing Chicago Marathon in the fall (I actually know a TON of people running) so I can’t wait until October!


Alright, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the Pro Compression Giveaway Winner!

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Congrats to Irene! Email me you address at Shesgoingforspeed@gmail.com

What are your weekend running plans? I have another 3 on the schedule

Smore’s? mmmmmm


Ankle Exercises!

Monday: 2 mile walk, 25 min shoulders/biceps

Tuesday: 20 back and hamstrings, 10 abs

I’m doing well keeping up with cross training and strengthening my ankle while I’m not running.  I wanted to share what i’ve been up to during this month long running hiatus (can’t believe it’s been 24 days!–yes i’m counting!) I had an encouraging post in my Facebook feed from Runner’s World. It made me feel like I won’t completely lose fitness by walking.

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I’m trying to walk every day or every other day until I get the full ok to start running. On Memorial Day, I went for a sunny walk near my gym.


I saw a couple deer on the walk, small fish in the creek and I still had no pain in my ankle!

I tried my hands and feet at 30 minutes of yoga over the weekend and man, I need to do this more often. Just holding some of these basic poses made me sweat and afterward my entire body felt relaxed and loose. I took a few pictures, not to show off cause i’m not flexible, but to have a starting point. Maybe in 6 months from now I’ll have better form and flexibility.


I didn’t know I clasped my hands until I saw this picture.. that’s cheating. haha


I found sports bras at American Eagle for just $6 each over the weekend. 🙂 They’re not high impact, but good for yoga, walking and work. And they’re so pretty! This had nothing to do with my ankle recovery, but a deal that good would make anyone feel better.


Every night i’m trying to do something to strengthening my ankle. The usual go-to’s for mobility/strengthening is to make circles with your ankle and trace the alphabet, getting the ankle to move in all directions. I also stumbled upon this video and started doing these exercises. They don’t seem like much, but they work! I did about 20 reps per exercise.

Does any one out there walk as cross training? 


I Was Caught Double Fisting Carbs

I was caught carb-handed. You’ll have to excuse this crazy picture, but i was laughing my butt off. If you can make me laugh to the point that my gums show and my eyes squint with tears, we will probably be friends for life.


I was a little hormonal this week, so don’t question the beer/ice cream combo.. i don’t know what i was thinking, but i wanted it.

I’ve noticed something strange going on in my running drawer since I haven’t been running… It’s all organized and neat because nothing is getting used. Normally it’s a disaster grab bag drawer, where i reach in, fish around and hope something matches. Right now, they are lined up like soldiers ready to go to battle.. don’t worry my little anti-wicking buddies, you will be let out soon!


My chiro said next Friday (5 freaking days!!) we should be able to talk about beginning to run. He said my ankle is healing beautiful and a lot quicker than he expected. This made me really happy. Although, today I went out for a walk to the local track to walk up and down the stairs and as soon as I stepped foot on the track it was like i stepped into my own movie. “Let Go” by Imogen Heap began playing in my earbuds,  the track was quiet and almost empty, the weather was perfect, and i just got overwhelmed with emotion from not running. I didn’t realize how bad I missed it until I was walking on the oval. I wasn’t sad really.. it was more or less relief of knowing i’d be running soon & just a complete sense of gratitude for how running impacts my life and makes me feel sane and strong and childlike all at once.

I changed my playlist to Kanye West and I left that sissy, emotional person in a sweat puddle on the stairs. It’s always a beautiful thing to be overwhelmed with love for life, but I had a workout to get in and “I Am a God” put me right back into my workout and got me pumped up for my comeback. When i was done a girl walking around the track gave me a thumbs up and then she went to run the stairs too. If that’s not amazing I don’t know what is. I needed the thumbs up (thank you whoever you are!) and I hope i motivated her to kill her stair workout.

My walk was 2.5 miles and if you count the mile stair climb it was 3.5m 🙂 and I ended feeling mentally refreshed. I spent a good amount of time stretching my calves & achilles, per doc’s orders.

OH i almost forgot, i accidentally ran. Not like ran, ran. I ran about 20 feet because a car was waiting for me to cross the road. I felt guilty for running those few steps, but I swear it made my heart grow three sizes because I could push off my foot pain free!


Don’t worry! I’m not getting ahead of myself here. I won’t be lacing up anything other than walking shoes for the next week. Sorry folks, I just can’t get myself into the pool. It’s not happening. If it does you’ll be the first to know. Other than that, I appreciate you guys hanging in there while my emotions and carbs are all over the place!

Last Week’s W/O’s. 

Monday: 45 min stationary bike10 min hip exercises

Tuesday: 20 min triceps/shoulders, 15 abs

Wednesday: 25 min full body TRX, 10 abs

Thursday: 20 min Lateral Elliptical, 15 min Jacobs Ladder

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 2.5m walk, 1 mile stairs, 10 min lower back/abs

Sunday: *today will be burpees, push-ups & yoga. I’ve been resting on cardio about every other day so i don’t re-injure the ol’ ankle.

Total Miles: Can I count my 2.5?

Memorial Day plans??

I’ll be at the gym working, no plans this year.


Playground Workout! (if I say “Adult Playground” it sounds dirty.)

Tuesday: 15 triceps, 10 min lower back, 10 abs

Wednesday: 12 min elliptical, 20 minutes chest/shoulders, 15 abs

Over the weekend I tested my foot out for the first time. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I couldn’t take being cooped up in our apartment any longer. I made it about 25 minutes at a slow pace and it felt great just moving around.

There is a cool outside gym that has a full body workout you can follow. I tried it out just to see how hard it was. The workout started with some walks on a balance beam, forward and lateral (side) steps. This was where I found out that my balance is a tad off from putting all my weight into the left side.


Then we had to do pull-ups. I did a few sets—which consisted of me doing about 2 per set. Pull-ups are hard guys..Here’s a great picture of me staring at the enemy going into a third set, where I failed my muscles after one pull-up.


Success! Kinda!


Next was this bar they wanted you to jump over, i obviously wasn’t attempting that one and there was a bench for crunches, but i’m too much of a germaphobe to lay down on something like that (plus i do core work constantly) so I moved on to the thing i’m loving lately, pushups!


Overall it was a quick, decent full body workout. Definitely a little more advanced than the average person could handle, but at the same time I don’t feel like the average person would do a workout in the middle of a trail system.  Weirdos like me get excited when there’s a pull-up bar in an unconventional place.

The signs that walked me through the workout also congratulated me! So nice of them. 🙂


Big news today! I stepped on an elliptical for twelve whole minutes. I needed to sweat and get my heart beating and feel like i was working. I love my strength training and i’m glad a little bit of “injury depression” hasn’t made me lose sight of the big picture, but man alive, i needed that few minutes of full body cardio. I didn’t have pain while using it and I can put my full body weight into it again. I’m not 100%, but overall good progress this week!!

I haven’t received a dr.’s OK yet, which is why i’m not pushing any sort of cardio until I get the all clear. Aside from that I’m still taking a conservative approach to recovery– icing and resting the foot, and wearing a compression sleeve or sock part of the day.  I can put my full body weight into it again. HUGE Progress this week!!

Cardio of choice if running is not allowed?

rowing machine, stairmill

Favorite type of workout besides running?

tabata, crossfit, yoga