The Verdict is in…


I’m going to be very honest with you guys. I haven’t blogged a lot this week because i was freaking nervous about what the chiropractor was going to tell me about my ankle… Every time I went to start a new post, I just got a little down and anxious and then scrapped the ideas. But Friday morning he said the magic words, “ease your way back into running.”


here i am, easing my way out the door…(don’t mind the hair, it was early)

He wants me cross training on the elliptical and obviously I have to take my time to do any real mileage or speed, but we both want to be sure I’m not going to re-injure anything. Any amount of running is better than fine with me! I’m 4 1/2 months out from the Chicago Marathon which is a ton of time to make up distance and speed.

In the meantime, i will be practicing the fine art of carbo-loading, for when i’m 100% back.


Not really…since i’ve been injured I did a major nutritional overhaul and started eating much better and a little less. I cut my daily calories from 2200-2400 range to 1800-2000 and my weight and body composition has not changed despite what I thought might happen while not running.




how I do heavy carb nights, with a giant veggie salad!

Summer is totally fruit season and i’ve been packing my days full of blueberries, strawberries, grapes and watermelon. They are such a refreshing pick-me-up in the middle of the work day and hello–antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatories for the injury.

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 When i do get back to normal weekly mileage and my hunger strikes,  I’m going to make a much bigger effort on eating cleaner and pack in as many nutrients as possible for recovery and injury prevention. <—always sounds good in theory, we will see how many giant cookies i can say no to. 🙂

Last Week’s Recap 

Monday: 2 mile walk, 25 min shoulders/biceps

Tuesday: 20 back and hamstrings, 10 abs

Wednesday: 2.2m walk

Thursday: 25min biceps, 15 abs

Friday: 15 min lateral elliptical, 1 mile walk, 15 shoulders/triceps

Saturday: 2.4m walk/run no garmin–cause you know…

Sunday: Rest

Total Miles: 2.4m running + 4.2m walking

 Do you watch your nutrition more closely when you’re not running?

Favorite summer fruit or vegetable?

Author: She's Going the Distance


23 thoughts on “The Verdict is in…

  1. Yay yay yay!! So glad you’re back to running 🙂 I’m apparently backwards and watch my nutrition more when I’m running (maybe I feel like it matters more?) and literally do not care at all when I’m injured and live off pizza and ice cream.

  2. Awesome news! So happy for you – be sure to take it very slowly! No re-injures!

    I used to have to watch myself on rest days because running tends to normalize my eating … but at the run volume and frequency I have now it doesn’t matter much.

    And really, while ‘clean eating’ is a great goal, and certainly one I have – I also love to bake (including giant platter-sized cookies) and ice cream …

    I really love pretty much ALL fruits and veggies, and during the summer I soak up whatever is in season, from tomatoes and corn on the cob to strawberries and blueberries to peaches and plums to apples and pears! All good to me!

  3. hooray, that’s great news! I feel like I eat much healthier when my mileage is higher. I also just crave healthy stuff after a run and don’t really want anything bad for me. But lately I’m all out of whack and trying to get back on the healthy eating train.

  4. YAY! So happy for you!

    That looks like the king of strawberries in your pic! During the summer I live off of cantaloup because… why not?! 😉

  5. Yay for being able to run again! We’re in the same boat, I’m getting back into running post hip injury and am running a marathon this Fall (Twin Cities). It’s hard when you want to train at a high mileage, but need to ease into it. My favorite summer fruit is/are berries. I love them!

  6. Yay!! Glad to hear that you get to start running again. Also, your dinners look delicious!!

  7. YAY running! And YAY for cookies the size of your face! Sometimes both are necessary! 😉

  8. Woohoo!! Glad you’re cleared to get back out there! I always say that slow miles are better than no miles 🙂 I’ve never been out very long with an injury but I eat healthier on the days I run.

  9. Yay! Glad to hear that you’re back up and running. Your first runs are going to feel so awesome.

    Summer to me means lots of berries, plus grill corn on the cob every weekend.

  10. Great news on the ankle. Make sure to ease back in, I think we are all guilty of coming back too quick for one thing or another. Great job with the nutrition change.

  11. Yayyyy for easing back in!! So happy for you! I hear you on nutrition – it’s strange that I’m so much more lenient when I’m running.

  12. Congrats!! I am so happy for you. For me, the hot temperatures mean forcing myself to eat healthful foods and not go straight for the Frozen Yogurt (We have a new store in town!) or Ice Cream. Fresh fruit is the best and I must agree your dinners look delicious!

  13. I think I eat a little better when I am not running. When I was training for my marathon I really tried to focus on getting lots of nutritious foods, but I also ate some not so good stuff because I felt like I needed more food (I was hungry all the time!) When I stop running at first I usually eat really bad for the first few days and then I pull myself together and eat well so that I can get back to running sooner.
    I’m soooo glad you can get back to running!

  14. Yeah I definitely paid closer attention to what I was eating when I wasn’t running. And then it sort of carried over to when I could run again so that was good. All those meals look delicious though (and that strawberry is freaking HUGE).

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