Ice Skating Made Me Realize…

Mon: Rest

Tues: 5 Rounds w/30lb bar: 8 Overhead shoulder press, 15 front squats, 10 thrusters, 5.75m easy 8:01/pace (ranged from 7:22-8:20)

Monday’s are my new rest days. Just thought i’d share. I only like worrying about coffee & training others on Mondays. It makes the day much more bearable. Tuesdays now, are a new beast. I’m finally on board with “Track Tuesdays” or as i’m going to call it “200s Tuesdays” since I’ve been doing 12 x 200s.  Today though, I ended up outside for more of an easy run. The wind and hills made it difficult to push or maintain any sort of pace, but I needed to get outside..turns out wind, hills and cold feel a lot easier than the treadmill lately. 8:01 easy pace?? I’ll take it. Track Tuesdays, are paying off :).

Also, I got a haircut.


SO—A few weeks ago I went ice skating. No, i’m not bragging, i’m a terrible ice skater. There is a reason I run. Forward. In a straight line. On my feet. I’m also a little OCD when it comes to knowing distance/pace with any type of cross training i might come across. My poor Garmin probably thought i strapped it to a chicken with it’s head cut off (sorry to the vegetarian readers), but seriously, this is a screen shot of my Garmin from the 1 mile skate I did.

Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 9.15.19 AM

I used this picture the other day, but I just had to share that it wasn’t a stock photo–it was legit mine. As I was skating dodging kiddos and their parents, teens and their selfies, and my own two left feet, I realized that I can totally do an Iron Man one day. If skating a mile takes me 25 solid minutes I can totally push through a triathlon. Science. Logic. Other smart words even though this concept is terrible. 


I guess I assume since Skating isn’t a part of the Iron Man, I’ll be fine.


Last Week

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 6.5m intervals (12 x 200s, 5 @ 5:39/pace, 5 @ 5:33/pace, 2 @ 5:27/pace)

Wednesday: 30min Kettlebell workout (5 rounds: 20 overhead swings, 20 off set weighted lunges, 10 tricep pushups)

Thursday: 4m easy 9:00/pace, 30 min core

Friday: 6 easy 8:45/pace, 20 min TRX Upper Body

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 10m easy 8:30/pace

Total Miles: 26.5

Are you a practicing Track Tuesday-ian?